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About Coach Steph


Well Hello there! Thankyou for checking out Project Lean and taking the time to research your fitness and nutrition needs! I can tell that you are awesome!




Beacause your health and fitness is important enough to you, that you are reading up on your future coach before making a decision. So here's a little about me and how I've arrived where I am now! There are so many reasons that we should be working together. If you want to set up a FREE Consult, Please Set up an appointment with me HERE


I've been into team and individual sports for my entire life, but my fitness career and PASSION really started when prepping for my first competition after my daughter was born July 2012.


As a teen I watched the fitness routines on TV over the weekends, and had ALWAYS wanted to step on that stage with that KILLER physique that few ever achieve. I've never been one to step away from a challenge, and often get teased for my go get it attitude. Being the FIRST time in my life that I had a some extra pounds to lose, I figured, what better time to prep, that when I had a weight loss/recovery goal.


Even though I had a personal training certification, and was working on my Precision Nutrition Certification as well while I was on Maternity Leave, this TYPE of dieting and training was new to me! I decided to document my journey of trials and errors with a youtube series, and a new fitness journey facebook page Road To Eating Clean and Living Lean (NOW PROJECT LEAN) I've always been a believer that sharing knowledge rather than hoarding it is the way to go. I wasn't in competition with anyone but myself, and I STILL hold strong to that belief to this day. Over my 8 month Prep, I created a deeper and deeper following and passion for the whole journey, and sharing and developing relationships on social media. 


Shortly before my first competition, I travelled across Canada to meet up with some friends that I met SOLELY through my facebook page and through prepping for my first show. We met up for Monica Brandts FEM Camp, and PhotoShoot with Paul Buceta! I hadn't met ANY of these people other than through email, and I now consider them some of my BEST friends, and we've been developing and building our businesses together ever since. We started by producing incredibly successful 60 day challenges, which lead to one on one ONLINE training with a team of 6 coaches, and additional business building opportunities and trips all over north america to meet up with "NEW" friends. I couldn't be having more fun. 


This is just a SMALL example of how taking care of yourself, investing in yourself, and creating friendships through group challenges can change your life, in what seems like, overnight. Seriously, what have you got to lose?


I've been known as that woman who shares authentically. I WANT to help, and I want everyone to reach their goals in a healthy and maintainable way. My focus is to make the LEAST amount of changes possible while still seeing results you want, so that it's a lifestyle you can maintain! It doesn't have to be hard, you just have to figure out what works for YOU! That could happen this week, or it could take months or even years of consistency. I promise you though, I won't give up if you don't, and we'll find what works for you! Not only that, but the journey will be EPIC, and I hope that you share it with as many people as you can.


What I will say though is,  if you have BHAG (big huge audatious goal) goals, it's not going to be a cake walk. This is going to be work, and the changes have to be forever. You can't go back to what you have always done, and expect to maintain your progress. 


I LOVE the science of nutrition and have tried pretty much EVERYTHING out on myself. I can speak from experience, and I love learning thru trial and error. I LOOOOOVE talking nutrition and hold Q+A Nutrition seminars in my home on a bi-monthly basis, which I've had to cap because I don't have any more space.


My SPECIALTY of sorts is Confidence and Self Esteem. Having had a serious battle with anorexia and compulsive exercising as a teenager, I recognize how important it is, to plan this in a healthy way. You want to understand that you are beautiful regardless of your shape or size because of what you have on the inside! I take care of my clients from the inside/out and have them finishing feeling like STRONG, POWERFUL and INSPIRATIONAL women. More importantly, my clients are known to become leaders to others who are just starting out. There's a HUGE difference between having a great physique and having a great fitness level and mental health. Together we will figure out what works for you!


When I'm not working, you'll find me "IN THE ZONE" at the gym. I don't go there to chit chat and hang out, it's all business for that hour! Once this part of my day is complete, I'm free to enjoy time with my Husband and Daughter, usually chillin in front of some good TV, playing board games, or going on short outings like Bowling, Playing at our community lake, Hitting a Movie or Kids Play area. I'm the self proclaimed "laziest active person on the planet!" I also have FANTASTIC friends that I meet up with weekly for coffee, and these are dates I WON'T miss. 


I'm not much of a social butterfly, and my idea of a wild night is, book club or paint night with the girls with one glass of wine. I LOVE to travel and meet up with friends I've made thru Social Media for Fitness Camps and Network Marketing Conferences all over North America! I look forward to these few trips every year!


You may recognize me for being published in Oxygen Magazing, Inside Fitness, Gorgo Magazine, Status Fitness, and Muscle for Life, OR from Local Speaking engagements in my community in Calgary, AB, Canada. If you are local keep your eyes peeled for my next Nutrition Q+A Seminars planned Bi-Monthly!


I look forward to working with you in the near future, and hopefully you see the value in the work I do and provide in my Newsletter








About ME!
I have been into health and fitness my entire life, have a personal training background, hold a Precision Nutrition Coaching certificate, and run a successful athlete page where I share tips on a daily basis. Please check it out @ I know the difference between working out to look good, and working out to FEEL good. Am I ever glad I've finally made that realization!

My husband and I run two businesses and are on our way to financial freedom doing what we LOVE!!! We have a young daughter, but I always make time for fitness :) I want to show YOU how to fit it all in too!

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