Kool-AID??? Yes please, FILL’ ER up!
I’ve been wanting to write a blog about network marketing for a LONG LONG time. I feel like there are a lot of misconceptions about what Network Marketers do, which sends people RUNNING in the opposite direction when they feel like they are being SOLD.
The thing is, having a friend or acquaintance talk to you about something they have LOVED for years is no different than you recommending a movie that you loved, a restaurant that you have enjoyed or a online store that you spend your monthly pay checks in. I bet you do this with friends, or even random strangers you JUST met on the bus or in line at a store, RIGHT??? It's also not any different than promoting the company you work at and encouraging people to come use your service.
Anyone that is coming to you and recommending a product or service of a Network Marketing company also USES the product or service. I can assure you we wouldn’t be ordering something month after month, year after year, if we didn’t want or see value in consuming or using what we order.
We are ALL being marketed to with commercials, emails, sponsored adds, billboards, radio and more, by BIG BOX companies all day, EVERYDAY...and we buy into what these huge companies are selling with million dollar budgets. These messages are delivered to us strategically using psychology and mind games to lure us into buying overpriced JUNK that we don’t need. This stuff HAS to be overpriced to cover the cost of their marketing in the first place. The big businesses get bigger and bigger, while the little guys (more often than not the ones who actually care about more than the bottom line) can’t compete.
Don’t even get me started on “Sponsored Athletes” or “Supplement Contracts” when HUGE companies are preying on athletes who want to be “DISCOVERED.” More often than not, there is NO exchange of money. The athlete is expected to work their weekends at event booths, tirelessly promote the company on their social media pages, have to look like a million bucks and usually resort to some sort of photoshopping to keep up the look, only for the exchange of some sub par product.
Wouldn’t you much rather support someone local, who has their own small business, who will REMEMBER YOUR NAME, and takes the time to connect and support you? Someone who actually cares and checks in after your purchase to make sure you like it? Someone who you’ve been following on social media for months or even years, and you have seen walk the walk, not just talk the talk? Someone who answers every email personally, opens up their homes for Q+A’s and delivers free information and support day after day, just because the LOVE IT!
To be really honest, Online Coaching, Customized Nutrition and Customized Workouts is my lively hood and I STILL feel guilty asking for money for my services or charging what I'm worth.
I know, since I’ve been in this business, I’ve changed my tune. If there is anything I can buy from a friend over a store, I will. I know where the money is going, and it makes me feel good to support local businesses. When I see a friend I supported take their family on a trip with their home business money, I feel proud to be a part of it. No only that, but I don’t have to leave my house to buy and it’s delivered to my doorstep. (I’ll take every extra minute I can!)
Skin care, Oils, Jewelry, Tupperware, Leggings, kid stuff, Nail Art, bags….I’m not saying I buy frivolously, but if I’m in the market, it’s a no brainer.
As you know, My business is health and fitness.
If you’ve been following my athlete page or my youtube channel for ANY length of time, you will know what my recommendations are for nutrition and workouts.
I RARELY say what I use because I’ve been scared of what people will think of me, but ENOUGH of that. I’m holding myself AND YOU back.
I’ve tried many things that I DIDN’T LIKE, and DIDN’T continue buying, and DIDN’T suggest to anyone, because I wouldn’t suggest anything to YOU that I don’t suggest for ME and my family. I’ve even been sent free product in the past for review...and you almost feel obligated to give them a shout out, but I DON’T unless I support it. Let me tell you, it’s few and far between what I would recommend when it comes to Quality AND taste!
ANYONE who works out more than three days a week should be taking:
(I’m sure you’ve heard this all from me a million times before)
Whey protein supplement/or a Vegan Alternative
Something to control Stress and Inflammation
Vitamin C,D,E
Fish Oils or Omegas
Magnesium and Zinc Supplement
And some Bonus Supplementation
Meal Replacement Shakes
Pre Workouts Drinks
Peri-Workout Fuel/BCAA's
Healthy High Protein Snacks
I’m willing to bet that MOST of you who have been reading my stuff ALREADY use most if not ALL of these things?
Am I right?
So here’s the NEXT misconception,
If I buy these products I have to sell them!
I honestly don’t know where people get these idea’s in their head...and usually we don’t even get enough time to explain before we get the “i’m not interested”
Well, NOPE, you DON’T HAVE to sell
(you do have to have a membership, just like you would COSTCO to allow you to shop there)
So let me ask you this.
If you are using ANY, or most of these supplements everyday ALREADY, why not have it delivered to your door, have confidence that you are getting what’s on the label, know that you have support even after your purchase,
(usually a whole group of amazing people, and we all know accountability is key)
and support a friend/colleague/social media name/acquaintance in their small business.
I can pretty much guarantee, that you will eventually give that same REVIEW that you always do when you love something! It may be to a friend, or to a mom at the park. This time it’s a review of your weight loss, muscle gain, new found younger looking skin or something similar. Over weeks and months of using stuff, you were USING ANYWAY...things miraculously start getting cheaper and cheaper. How did that happen??
OR, you don’t tell anyone, you keep ordering what you need, and only what you need/want, but you support local and feel great about that.
OR, you don’t like it, you send it back, get your money back and nothing is lost.
So now you’re thinking, WOW, she’s totally drank the Kool Aid.
YES, YES I have, FILLE ER UP please!!
I’m so passionate about this Product and Network Marketing in general. I’ve seen it change hundreds , even thousands of lives already, including mine, and I’m in it for good!
There are only so many hours in a day, and any job I’ve had, has had my income limited by the number of hours in a day. Network Marketing allows me to be a COMPETITION PREP COACH and NUTRITION COACH, giving my clients perfect structure and simplicity to achieve results. It allows me to be a TEAM LEADER for those who want to build businesses of their own and change lives. It allows me to be HOME more with my daughter. It allows me to set GOALS for myself, where the sky is the limit, all while following my passion.
It’s my goal to replace EVERY Shaker Cup marketing the local supplement stores, and Free Supplement T-shirts Marketed to all of us at the gym everyday to those provided by the company I love and support.
A company allows ANYONE who wants it, the SAME opportunity as the person next to them.
A company that gives BACK in $$$ to those who share their experience.
A company who PUTS ZERO money into advertising.
A company who’s athletes don’t have to give up entire weekends at a booth for an event, and endless hours on social media for a free jug of crappy quality protein.
A company who is third party tested to ensure quality product that is advertised is actually what you are getting. See this article on Protein Spiking
(trust me, you are getting what you pay for, if not less)
So guess what….the timing of this blog is pretty good ;)
Aren’t I clever ;)
If I’ve managed to convince you that it’s a NO BRAINER, this week, (till August 25th) you don’t even have to pay for the membership (minimum restrictions do apply)….The membership is the ONLY non-refundable part of joining...so now you REALLY have nothing to lose!
STILL NOT CONVINCED? You can get your health back on track, step by step, with this FREE Nutritional Kickstart Guide
Email me if to set up a call this week, and we’ll get you set up with what I have used, DAY IN and DAY OUT for the past two and a half years.
Wow, am I ever glad I finally got that off my chest :)
Until Next Time Operation Leaners'