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How to Burn Fat

You've been trying and trying, without much success, and there's more ways that one that your efforts aren't ending in results.

You have to get HEALTHY before you will lose weight. Your weight is a symptom NOT the cause

There is ONE major hormone that has the most influence on your physique and that's

INSULIN "aka" the fat storing hormone.

Insulin stops fat burning in it's tracks, and builds fat in the midsection

(the most unhealthy area on the body to have extra fat)

Any insulin in the system shuts down the fat burning for up to 48 hours.

If you have ample belly fat, it's a sign that you have LOTS of insulin, or you're insulin RESISTANT


1. Cut Carbohydrates

-try a ketogenic diet (awesome recipe book here)

-Try Intermittent fasting (which is what the #fitmomchallenge is based on and one of the reasons it's so successful (Here's some great reading from the GURU of intermittent fasting)

-If both of these seem too difficult try carb cycling (but be ready for lots of planning and food prep)

2. Leaner/Low Fat Meats actually trigger more insulin than higher fat counterparts

-Mixing some fats in with your meals will slow down the insulin response to your meals, in essence, lowering the total GI effect of your meal. Just make sure you are choosing healthy fats!

3. Avoid MSG

4. Eliminate Stress (Internal, External and Mental)

-Meditate, Practice Gratitude, Take time for yourself

-Focus on recovery from your workouts, dress for the weather, don't smoke or drink too much

-Use Brain Boost, Ionix Supreme

5. Fewer Meals/Day (2-3 meals is ideal)

-Every time you eat something you will have an insulin response, which is why intermittent fasting works so well...spend more of your day NOT eating than rather than stuffing your face every 2-3 hours (I know, this used to be the recommendation) even if it's healthy. This is UNLESS you find yourself over eating UNHEALTHY foods if you don't always have another meal to look fwd to in a few hours.

Choose the lesser of evils for yourself

Conditions that prevent results=Insulin Resistance=5-7x more insulin circulating than most people (Pre-Diabetic)


Belly Fat

Plateaus despite eating healthy

Carbs Seem to Reduce your Stress-Fewer Cravings

Crave Sugar and Carbs

Need a Nap after Eating

Brain Fog

Worse Eyesight throughout the day

Never Satisfied after Eating

Need to Urinate in the middle of the night

Swollen Belly as the Day Progresses


Heart Disease


Fatty Liver

High Blood Pressure

High Cholesterol


Dementia and Alzheimer's

What Can you do?? Can you do it with food alone??

Food is only as healthy as the soil in which it grows? Find a food provider that you trust is actually organic. Most listed as organic actually aren't. Know where your food is coming from

Get your Potassium-Your Body need 4700 mg/day

Meat and Nut Breakfast-AKA, no carbs at Breakfast

Better Yet, Intermittent Fast Daily (16 hours fasted, 8 hours Eating, or Full 24 hours fasts 1-2 days a week as in the 30 day system)

If you are eating carbs, EARN THEM with exercise and choose Carbs that are LOW on the Glycemic Index and foods that are LOW on the Insulin Index

Try out these tips, and let me know what you think in the comments!

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About ME!
I have been into health and fitness my entire life, have a personal training background, hold a Precision Nutrition Coaching certificate, and run a successful athlete page where I share tips on a daily basis. Please check it out @ I know the difference between working out to look good, and working out to FEEL good. Am I ever glad I've finally made that realization!

My husband and I run two businesses and are on our way to financial freedom doing what we LOVE!!! We have a young daughter, but I always make time for fitness :) I want to show YOU how to fit it all in too!

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