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It's classy to bite your lip


Do you cause additional, unwanted stress, over and over again because you refuse to NOT stick up for yourself?

Is it impossible to hear someone's negative opinion of you without taking offense and having to set them straight?

Does stating the facts just make the situation worse, sending the person on a tangent trying to make themselves feel better about realizing how big a shit brick they are? Realizing that they will never amount to anything...meaning they have to hurt you even MORE to make themselves feel better?

Even better, does it kill you to ignore someone telling STRANGERS stories that are untrue to make themselves look better, to raise THEIR self esteem given the poor an existence they have created for themselves in this world?


We'll as you age and become more wise, you'll start to realize it's just not worth your time. You come to a realization, if ANYONE puts you in the position to have to stick up for yourself, they aren't worth the breath it takes correct them for more than one reason.

1. Cause they aren't going to listen to you anyway. They are criticizing something they don't like about themselves, and you threaten them for some reason. Probably because you are the person they wish they could be, or they won't admit their actions or in-actions are what ruined your relationship in the first place. You will be talking to a brick wall, and it'll just create more anxiety for yourself.

2. Who the fuck cares what they think anyway? And, any people who believe what they are saying are worth even less of your time if they are going to judge without knowing. You're (I'M) taking it personally when none of it matters...AT ALL.

Don't stick up for yourself with people who believe the lies. They will see the truth on their own. It's only a matter of time...if they don't, well, does it really matter?


Save your breath for people who do matter.

People who make the world a better place.

Save your time for people who make you smile till your face hurts, and laugh until you get a six pack (even if it is under a layer of fat)

Love people who take ownership of their mistakes and learn from them.

People who don't blame the world for their shortcomings and do something about them instead of blaming them others or making excuses.

Love people who care about more than how total strangers perceive them.

People who AREN'T like this have their priorities misplaced.


I'm sure you know someone who fits the description above, and it's tiring to have them in your lives.

I get it

But sometimes for reasons that are out of your control, you can't cut them out completely.

So what do you do?

Bit your lip, zip your mouth,

It's classy

Don't engage, don't gossip, don't stoop to their level, because who sucks worse in that situation??

Wasting your energy on someone who doesn't matter, and putting too much weight on an opinion of someone who doesn't see clearly, and never will, is not worth your breath.

They will ALWAYS have the poor me mentality, and they will blame you for that. They will try to pull you down with them, regardless of reality.

Ignoring your desire to react will save you from an early grave.

I know, easier said than done

It's a work in progress

But so liberating when you get a hang of it!


Be proud of who you are and who you have become through hard work and perseverance. Maintain and protect that shit!

Be Proud that you don't need validation from strangers to know you are amazing. Be with people who love you and deserve your presence.

Be strong enough to love yourself, and embrace your imperfections, Knowing that you have every single day moving forward to overcome and grow.

Don't let ONE person taking advantage of your kindness and generosity take those amazing qualities away. You CAN trust again. You WILL find the people who deserve you.

No one can tare you down unless you let them

And we aren't going to let that happen to us right??


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About ME!
I have been into health and fitness my entire life, have a personal training background, hold a Precision Nutrition Coaching certificate, and run a successful athlete page where I share tips on a daily basis. Please check it out @ I know the difference between working out to look good, and working out to FEEL good. Am I ever glad I've finally made that realization!

My husband and I run two businesses and are on our way to financial freedom doing what we LOVE!!! We have a young daughter, but I always make time for fitness :) I want to show YOU how to fit it all in too!

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