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Have you been recently been complaining of bloating after eating or throughout the day?? Have you been tired CONSTANTLY, feeling anxious and unable to cope as well through stessful situations?? Have you had issues with constipation or diarrhea??

If you answered yes to all or some of these questions, you could very likely be dealing with leaky gut. Some show very few symptoms, but untreated, it can lead to a host of chronic problems and ultimately disease.

Take this TEST to See if you MAY have leaky gut syndrome

WHAT IS LEAKY GUT, AKA Intestinal Permeability?

According to the practitioners at SCD Lifestyle:

The term Leaky Gut Syndrome is used to describe the condition of “Hyperpermeable Intestines,” a fancy medical term that means the intestinal lining has became more porous, with more holes developing. These holes are larger in size and the screening out process is no longer functioning properly. This results in larger, undigested food molecules and other “bad stuff” (yeast, toxins, and all other forms of waste) that your body normally doesn’t allow through, to flow freely into your bloodstream. When this happens, it causes GI inflammation, A decrease in nutrient absorbtion which leads to nutriend deficiencies and more food intolerances.

Have you ever heard "you are what you eat?"...well, that's not entirely true. You are what you ABSORB

There are many of Signs and Symptoms however 70% of people suffering don't show many symptoms in the beginning.





digestive symptoms,

weight problems, etc.

All diseases start in the gut. If the symtoms aren't treated property It has been found to be associated with chronic diseases including:



rheumatoid arthritis,

irritable bowel,

kidney disease,

thyroid issues

psoriasis, excema

and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Because Convential Medicine doesn't recognize and treat leaky gut in the early stages, this issue is making a lot of people sick.


The top triggers for Leaky Gut are:

Poor Diet/GMO Foods: Which kill of probiotics in the gut


Gluten: Doesn't break down well in the small intestine, gets into the bloodstream, and can lean to Inflammation-Thyroid and Joint Issues

Processed Sugar: Feeds the yeast, which pushes out good bacteria and can lead to Candida


Food Sensitivities/Allergies


Emotional Stress

Once again, here is TEST to See if you MAY have leaky gut syndrome


If you suspect you are dealing with a leaky gut situation there are a few things you can try before going for a host of testing. Traditional medicine often tries to solve the issues with antibiotics, which in turn, make the situation worse.

80% of the Immune System resides in the gut!! We need to take care of it!!


Bone Broth-Contains Prolene (tightens up holes in the gut lining), Glycine (supports detox) and L-Glutamine (Helps Repair)

Coconut/Coconut Oil-Excellent if you are dealing with yeast overgrowth/Candida, as it is anti-microbial, and won't feed the yeast.

Sourcrout or Fermented Vegetables-(Great if you don't have enough stomach acid) LOADED with probiotics, and the sulfur helps with liver detox.

Goats Milk Keifer- Loaded with Probiotics. This is and A2 Casein ( Coming from New Zeland, best for vitamin and mineral absorbtion.)

Blueberries-Lots of Antioxidants, and wil help decrease inflammation

Orange and Yellow Squash-Helps with Anxiety which is great for the spleen and the pancreas.

Foods High in Soluble Fiber


Probiotics-This will make enzymes that help with digestion. Found at most grocers, health food stores, and Farmers Markets. Look for at least 50 Billion IU daily and that it has Lactobacillus.

Digestive Enzymes: These will help give the gut a rest. Found at the same locations as above. They help to break down food and gluten. Highly advantageous for the stomach, pancreas and small intestine.

Adaptogenic Herbs- Helps with Stress, the gut and the Thyroid. Contain Herbs such as Licorice Root, Ashwagandha etc, all found in Ionix Supreme and Cleanse for Life

L-Glutamine-This is a crucial Amino Acid. It's a "Bandaid" for Gut Lining, and helps heal and repair gut lining

Other key nutrients include Zinc, Omega 3 fish oils, vitamin A, C, E

What does the system entail??

You are giving the gut a BREAK with intermittent Fasting while flooding the body with Adaptogenix Herbs. These include Ashwaghanda Root, Ginseng, Licorice Root, Rose Root, Blueberry Fruit Extract, and so many more. This gives your body a chance to release toxins, decrease inflammation, control cortisol (high when you need it, low when you don't) and start healing.

On the shake days, our meals are filled 23 Vitamins and Minerals, digestive enzymes, and Undenatured New Zealand Whey Concentrate (no antibiotics) for the easiest breakdown and absorbtion. They are soy and Gluten Free, giving the gut further support against inflammation and 8 grams of Fiber for Regularity.

Our coffee contains coconut oil,

Add in Ageless Essentials AM/PM Vitamin Packs Which Contain our Omega 3's, Vitamins A,B,C,D, E Zinc, and so much more.

Need more Help? Contact me anytime, I'm always happy to assist!!

As always, please share with anyone you feel could be struggling with leaky gut, or who would be interested if helping others!!

Keep the conversation going and post your questions and comments below or email me privately!!

Want to take your training to the next level?? SIgn up for Sisters in Shape Here. I have room for 5 more SUPER DUPER dedicated clients in the New Year!!!

Until Next time,

Decide, Commit, Succeed.

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About ME!
I have been into health and fitness my entire life, have a personal training background, hold a Precision Nutrition Coaching certificate, and run a successful athlete page where I share tips on a daily basis. Please check it out @ I know the difference between working out to look good, and working out to FEEL good. Am I ever glad I've finally made that realization!

My husband and I run two businesses and are on our way to financial freedom doing what we LOVE!!! We have a young daughter, but I always make time for fitness :) I want to show YOU how to fit it all in too!

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