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What is Alkalinity, and why is it important to understand??


On my facebook page in the past, I posted about my problems with alkalinity, how it was affecting me, and PART of how I was dealing with it. It stirred up a lot more interest than I expected so I decided to write a blog post about it!! I could go in MANY different directions with this, but I'll try to keep it as short and as simple as possible!!


Alkalinity is important for EVERYONE, but most important for the extremely active, and the extremely sick population (this is because the stresses BOTH create in our bodies, are actually quite similar)

Pretty much EVERYTHING our body does to live daily causes acid. In order to dispose of these acids, we need buffers from minerals and electrolytes. These acids need to be neutralized so they can be removed thru sweat, urine and stool. If we go long periods without neutralizing these acids, it causes breakdown of protein, DNA, causes the body to slow down and even TURN OFF cellular functions (metabolic rate, detoxification, and exercise performance) What does this cause.....well all those things that I mentioned in my Facebook post!!! Plateau in weight loss, hormone imbalances, sore joints because of inflammation, irritability because of poor sleep, body holding onto water in the wrong area's of the cell (making you look bloated) etc!!! If it gets bad enough for long enough, it will even lead to serious illness, cancer and disease!!!

What Causes Acid in our System??



*Metabolic Rate and Digestion

*Cell Growth and Repair

*Immune System


As you can imagine...a person who is working out intensely, or VERY sick will be dealing with all these examples on a daily if we don't buffer these acids somehow, our bodies will run into a wall.

How can we buffer or REMOVE lactic Acid?

*Non-Starchy nutrient dense vegetables or GREENS-the customary 5 servings of vegetables a day isn't enough, we need upwards of 13-20 servings

*Limit Foods that cause acidity in the body, and eat more alkaline foods (chart below)


*minerals (magnesium, multi-vitamins)

*electrolytes (GOOD QUALITY)

*Sodium Bicarbonate

*potassium Bicarbonate is the best source (found in baking soda)

******I bought a very expensive supplement after shipping and Customs from the US....consisting of Sodium and potassium bicarbonate ONLY. Hopefully this will help my cause!!! If any Canadians know of a similar supplement in Canada, PLEASE post below!!!

*Cleanses and DETOXES can be a great way to kickstart your progress and get your levels back to normal quickly!!!

*Change your workout volume from Hypertrophy workouts to low rep STRENGTH workouts, and to not work the lactic acid systems

If proper foods and supplements aren't getting your levels back to normal, you may have to tailor back your workouts and give your body time to get back to balance. The more you workout, the more acid you create, so if you just CAN'T keep up, you may need some time off (whence me cutting down the volume, and cardio performed till I got this under control)

How do you perform a simple cheap acidity test at home ?

You will need

*PH litmus papers from a health food store (rip off 7 strips)

*Distilled water

*A real lemon

***Do in the morning before eating or having any coffee!!


This number will represent your body at haven't worked out recently, are rested and have had lots of time to buffer acid. If you AREN'T a 7-8pH it could mean you are deficient in acid buffers. If it IS a 7-8, is still doesn't mean you are great at buffering acid, it just means that given enough time your body can get to a good level

Minutes 1-5 -

These are the important numbers...and will show you how you buffer acid in the body, and how quickly. The lemon water will bring pH down to a 5...acid buffers in your saliva SHOULD bring the acid level in your mouth back to a 7-8 within those 5 minutes....


1. Swish some distilled water around in your mouth. After a few seconds, take your BASELINE reading. (compare colour with the chart that will come with the strips)

2. Pour a little more distilled water into a glass, and squeeze a good amount of lemon into the glass...drink, and take your START LEVEL. This should be a 5.

3. Every Minute there after (for 5 minutes), take another reading and record.

If your baseline was a 7-8 and you get back to there after 5 minutes, you're GOLD, good work!!! :)

If your baseline was a 7-8 and you only get back to a six, you have some work to do

If your baseline was a 6 and you may or may not get back to I was, YOU HAVE LOTS of work to do!! HAHA

YOU should be doing a cleanse and detox as soon as you can!! This will instantly help you feel energetic, improve the look of your skin and hair, and help you get through those dreaded plateaus. Message me to set up a skype call where we can discuss your goals and I can make some suggestions for supplementatio protocols. Even the testers who do make it back to 7-8 will benefit from this process!!!

Here is a link to a supplement vlog I did, describing what I use to keep myself functioning properly! If you go to the last few minutes, I show some of the products used in the cleanse..(I would HIGHLY recommend getting the Product B as well)..there will also be a Facebook group for support through the tough days!!! I know you will love it as much as I did! :) Let me know if you want more information, and I will get you set up!!! EMAIL OPERATIONLEAN

In the meantime, if you don't get enough vegetables, get yourself some powdered greens and start on that supplementation right away, and drink lots and lots of water, include electrolytes post workout as well. This should start you in the right direction!

I hope this was helpful, if you have any more questions, post in the comments and I will try to answer everything!! :)

PLEASE share this with anyone you think may be interested!!!

Remember, focus on taking CARE of yourself, inside and out, and all the physical benefits will fall into place :)

Want to learn MORE!!!? Make sure to subscribe to this blog so you don't miss out on future posts!!! There will be MANY more coming soon!

About the Author: My name is Stephanie, I'm a fitness competitor, Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach, Mom and Wife. I am LUCKY to stay home with my daughter while running a successful home based business in spare pockets of time. I'm Dedicated to brining FREE health and fitness knowledge to the masses through Blogging and Weekly Newsletter. Don't miss out on anymore info, Join my Newsletter TODAY!! :)

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About ME!
I have been into health and fitness my entire life, have a personal training background, hold a Precision Nutrition Coaching certificate, and run a successful athlete page where I share tips on a daily basis. Please check it out @ I know the difference between working out to look good, and working out to FEEL good. Am I ever glad I've finally made that realization!

My husband and I run two businesses and are on our way to financial freedom doing what we LOVE!!! We have a young daughter, but I always make time for fitness :) I want to show YOU how to fit it all in too!

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