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Hey Thunder Thighs!

You know I would never say something like this, but at least it got your attention to learn a few things!

I get asked all the time how to get rid of thigh fat. If you are one of those people, before you keep reading, I want to ask you,

What's wrong with your thighs?

Why do you want to changed them? What expectations of mobility do they not live up to?

I just want to keep you grounded and realize that they do SO MUCH for you, we don't always have to be talking down to them! ;)

Now on to the article....

I'm sure you've heard me talk a million times about Nutrition,

and the same things always come up.

Cortisol (stress), pH Balance (alkalinity), sleep/rest, toxicity, not overdoing the workouts and cardio (especially for beginners), recovery, insulin, essential amino acids, healthy fats and more.

Also, supplements such as Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin D , Probiotics, Digestive Enzymes, Greens, Fish Oils, Ionix Supreme, etc come up again again.

I don't talk about these things because I feel like it. I talk about these because they are the KEYS to your health, energy levels, and ultimately your physique. (If you have goals to change your shape that is)

Well Ladies, most of these will come into play AGAIN when we talk about that nasty fat that holds on for dear life to our often HATED thighs. Those saddle bags that seemingly never get smaller no matter how hard we work!

Well, have you ever heard of this stubborn hormone called Estrogen? This is most commonly the cause of fat in the upper leg area. Since we as women, have so much more estrogen than men, it only makes sense that we'd have a harder time getting rid of fat deposits in that area.

Before you curse your estrogen, remember, this is also what allows us to conceive and build those little kiddo's that brighten up any room!

So enough babbling, how can we coerce estrogen to let you achieve your goals?

We need MORE androgens, and LESS estrogen.

Women have a lot of Alpha receptors in the lower Limbs, but we need more BETA, so it's harder for us to move fatty acids. We are able to mobilize them, but if we can't move them, it doesn't do us too much good! It's about the circulation.

So what can you do...

Stop storing fat there right!?

I know I know, easier said than done, but what if I told you, there ARE things you can do to help?

Obviously, you want to eat as healthy as you can, and exercise regularly, but more so, what we NEED are more androgens.

You can increase androgens in more than one way, so try the tips below!

1) Supplementation-Zinc, Magnesium, Dim (supplemental form or cruciferous vegatables) These keep Estrogen Minimal and Androgens HIGH.

You hear me suggest zinc and magnesium ALL THE TIME! Have you picked some up yet?

2) Flax Seed- Flax won't raise androgens, but it does bind with estrogen to more effortlessly move.

3) Strenth Training- Strength training minimizes estrogen in your system, and simultaneously MAXIMIZES

4) Don't drop your calories too low- I've said this before for other reasons, like Thyroid and Adrenals, but it also comes into play here. Your body will excessively try to protect your reproductive system, which is NOT going to help the situation!

4) Minimize Stress-How many times have you heard me say this! While Strength training helps, Extremely long weight training sessions, or TOO much cardio can be counterproductive. Keep both your Weight and Cardio sessions short, so your cortisol levels aren't elevated too long. (Less than an hour)

TIP: for the most bang for your buck with cardio: Complete a few rounds of intervals, keeping the intensity as high as you can to mobilize fatty acids. Follow the intervals up with 5 mins of slow steady state jogging or walking to MOVE fatty acids.

5) Post Workout Nutrition-Stop the increase in cortisol that you created during your workout, by having some carbs post workout (release of insulin with carbs, stops the increase in cortisol) and make sure you are getting protein as well so your body can repair and maintain muscle.

The key here, (as in many of the body's systems) is to fuel them to run smoothly. You have to take care of what's going on inside before you can focus on the outside. If you don't, you'll be like a dog chasing it's tail. Spiraling out of control until you give up! No one wants that!

There are so many systems in your body that need to be running optimally before you should even think about going on a weight loss program. A well oiled machine (body) will work WITH you instead of against you.

Can you imagine?

Sign up for Hijack your Health in 8 Weeks and you'll be on your way to a healthy mind,body and soul for life!

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There are a few challenges coming up in June

Sexy for the Summer, (30 days)

(30$ off if you sign up between May 30 and June 4th)

and another

BedtimeBelly Buster Challenge. (14 days)

JUNE 19th-JULY 2nd

These Challenges have FREE coaching and tonnes of peer support Email me for more details

As always, get in touch if you have any questions

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