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Low Carb, High Carb, Fat Free, Intermittent Fasting, Flexible Dieting, IIFYM, Carb Cycling, Running, HIIT, Steady State, Tabata's, Weight Traning, High Reps, Low Reps, Circuits, Long Rest Period, short rest periods, the list goes on!!!

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It seems like almost daily, a new fad, new threory, new SOMETHING is hitting the scene. Information has NEVER been easier to share and find, which is great!!



Weight loss is really simple, burn more than you eat and you'll lose weight. With all the information floating around, it's hard to know WHAT to do, and rarely, do we stick to ONE thing long enough to see changes, before we're jumping on to the next best thing.

Are the're BETTER foods to eat, and better times to eat that can help you reach these goals faster, and optimally?? ABSOLUTELY, but why worry about that unless you have VERY specific goals to reach?

Common arguments/fads lately:

Gluten free? -If you don't have a gluten intolerance, there's no reason that you can't eat gluten. Gluten FREE, doesn't mean that they necessarily healthier, quite the contrary actually. You remove something, something else is usually added!!! Avoid Carbs for weight loss-Not necessarily, like mentioned before, in the end it's really about calories in and calories out. Proteins and Fat tend to make you feel fuller longer, which helps you eat less while in a calorie deficit!! However, carbs are important in at least the two meals post workout, to increase insulin, stop the cortisol increase cause by the workout, and to shuttle amino acids into the muscles for recovery and growth.

Avoid Fats-Absolutely, we should be avoiding Transfats, but that doesn't make ALL fats bad. If fact WE NEED fats to absorb many nutritents, and balance our hormones. If you avoid them all together, you're asking for trouble.

Avoid Steady state cardio-Burning calories is burning calories, it doesn't REALLY matter how you do it. In the end, is it REALLY about physique, or is it about exercising your heart? There is room for ANY type of exercise in your regime. *NOTE: There is a lot of merit to some of these fads, IF you understand the CONTEXT in which they are coming from, HOW to use these rules properly, and WHY. It's important to research the things you read.

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The picture on the Left, is me when I was kickboxing regularily, running a TONNE, (approx 15 miles a week) and doing limited weight training. (maybe a couple of days a week) My diet was VERY flexible. For the most part I ate clean, but was no stranger to 2 litres of ice cream in a two day span, and had huge bowls of popcorn, covered in popcorn kernels spices and butter on a nightly basis. I also ate out A LOT!! I was living a happy life, full of exercise and food. I was able to live this way because of the HUGE amount of calories I was burning thru kickboxing 4-5 days a week, and all the steady state cardio I was doing.

The picture on the right, Is me when I was doing MUCH less Cardio, 3-4 days a week HIIT sessions. Short Duration but HIGH intensity. I was eating a lot of food, but always clean. ALWAYS. I ate out maybe once every two weeks. Weight training was 5-6 days a week. I was really happy with my physique, life, and meeting my goals, but a little irritated here and there with lack of flexibility in my diet.

So what am I getting at??

I think I look great in both pictures!!! In both photos, I'm healthy and happy, a good role model for my daughter, full of energy and stamina, etc. Very similar outcomes with TOTALLY different approaches.

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If you LOVE running marathons, who are we to say that HIIT is better for you than steady state exercise. SERIOUSLY! What's important is that you are EXERCISING and that you are ENJOYING IT!

So to recap....unless you have VERY specific althetic goals, STOP drowning in all the information. Get active the way YOU like to get active, and eat for health!!! Everything else will fall into place!!! :) I PROMISE YOU, and you will be a lot happier getting there!

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About ME!
I have been into health and fitness my entire life, have a personal training background, hold a Precision Nutrition Coaching certificate, and run a successful athlete page where I share tips on a daily basis. Please check it out @ I know the difference between working out to look good, and working out to FEEL good. Am I ever glad I've finally made that realization!

My husband and I run two businesses and are on our way to financial freedom doing what we LOVE!!! We have a young daughter, but I always make time for fitness :) I want to show YOU how to fit it all in too!

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