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Assume we are taking a deficit of BWx14 for weight loss. This is a good starting point to be sure that the deficit isn't TOO drastic, and that you aren't losing your hard earned muscle!! Stick to this calculation for a couple of weeks, and then adjust from there!

MAN: 200Lbs, maintains at 17xBW=3400 Cals

Weight loss Calculation 14xBW=2800

Total Deficit =600 Cals

Total Deficit for the week=4200 Well over a Lb of Bodyfat

Woman 140 Lbs, maintains at 17xBW=2380

Weight Loss Calculation 14xBW=1960

Total Deficit=420

Total Deficit for the week=2940 Not even a Lb of Bodyfat

men faster than women.jpg

Now imagine as a women, you have a cheat...a few days a week?? You can SEE how this will quickly reduce your deficit from less that a pound, to basically nothing? Someone of a much higher body weight AKA, your man, can afford to be a little more flexible in their eating and STILL keep their deficit as their bodies take a lot more calories to function everyday!

Remember these calculations ALREADY account for working out 4-6 days a week, so if you miss a couple workouts, this could be why you aren't seeing progress either!! ***It isn't fair, but men typically have more muscle, which gives them a higher metabolic rate. In addition, genetically, they don't require the amounts of bodyfat that women do, as they don't have to be prepared to care for a developing/growing baby!! Our bodies are INCREDIBLE, and are built in very specific ways to protect themselves. This doesn't mean it's not possible, but does explain why it seems to be more of a battle for women than it is for men.***

I can't stress enough how important CONSITENCY is!! You can have a treat everyday, but you have to account for that in your diet.

If you HAVE to be eating all the time, you should be following a VOLUME diet. (most amount of food for the least amount of calories.) This will usually end up a diet high in fresh fruits and veggies, and lean meats)

If you want to have a high calorie treat in your daily regime, then you will have to compensate with smaller meals throughout the rest of your day, or FEWER meals throughout your day.

** These are the types of questions we ask when we work with our one on one clients

1. How often do you like to eat

2. What is your schedule like

3. can you accomodate a meal prep day

4. do you want convenience

5. do you want control

6. how often can you work out

7. What foods do you prefer

8. how do you feel after a high carbohydrate meal

9. how well do you sleep

10. how are your stress levels


THEN we work out a starting plan for you, and just like any plan, it takes consistency, compliance, and many tweaks to make it past plateaus!! Weight loss is never linear, and you will never know if what you are doing is working if you aren't compliant with the plan set out for you!

In addition, You won't be compliant if it's something that you KNOW won't make you happy right!!? That's why it's important to plan something that will work with YOUR life!!! Obviously it's going to be some work, and NOT be what you are doing now....because that's not working...but we can make it as pleasant as possible if you are willing to put in the time, and aren't looking for a fix TOMORROW! Either you have to be comfortable with some changes, or you have to be comfortable with where you are right now. Unfortunately you can't have both!

If you need additional help, here is a link to our services with Sisters In Shape

Please comment with any questions or comments!! You can reach me privately here!!

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About ME!
I have been into health and fitness my entire life, have a personal training background, hold a Precision Nutrition Coaching certificate, and run a successful athlete page where I share tips on a daily basis. Please check it out @ I know the difference between working out to look good, and working out to FEEL good. Am I ever glad I've finally made that realization!

My husband and I run two businesses and are on our way to financial freedom doing what we LOVE!!! We have a young daughter, but I always make time for fitness :) I want to show YOU how to fit it all in too!

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