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What really makes you happy??

Meal Prepping?

Nutritent Timing?

Low Fat?

Low Carb?

Minimum Protein/Types of Protein?


Flexible Dieting?

Carb Cycling?

Carb Backloading?


Water Intake?


Progressive overload?



Steady State?



Are you confused yet??

This is just scratching the surface of all the things you can read up on, and try. It takes TIME to trial and error all these methods. No one loves the science of nutrition more than me, but when is enough, ENOUGH....when does it become obsessive?? When does it start to take over your life and your happiness? Having specific goals is important, and achieving them is GREAT for your self esteem. This is realistic as long as your goals are for YOU and HONESTLY for YOU. If you are chasing a dream for the acceptance and admiration of others you need to re-evaluate.

It's been about 2 years since my first competition, and over those two years I've completed 5 shows. If I'm being completely honest, the first year was for the right reasons! I placed well, and had NO REGRETS!! I got on stage for my reasons, LOVED the experience met some of my BEST FRIENDS (whom will be in my life for the rest of time) and met the goals that I had planned for myself, looking the BEST I ever have, even after my competition. I was living, working out and eating in a flexible, managable way and only gained 4 lbs post competition.

It was in the second year, when I was trying to change my body for the judges ideal, and wanting to reach that extra degree of leanness, despite the best interest in my health, that my happiness started to deteriorate. I didn't want to go out for fear of missing a meal. I didn't want to miss a workout. (A missed workout was a missed opportunity to build muscle) Cardio was no longer about a healthy heart, it was about burning calories. Exercising, which had always been my favorite time of day, had turned into a chore that I was resenting.

I was exhausted and spending more time on social media trying to learn the "NEXT BEST THING" than I was with my family.

If you have been following my page for a while, you have seen me share about my ED and compulsive exercising past. For YEARS I was in a healthy place. This past year has been a struggle, and found myself slipping back to my old ways. Luckily, I have had enough experience that I recognized the signs, and am now in a MUCH better place.

What made me REALLY recognize that there needed to be a change??

At the beginning of FEB I ended up having to take 4-6 weeks off from all exercise...I was absolutely TERRIFIED of putting on weight and taking time away from the gym. Even though this time off would allow me to heal properly, it scared the living daylights out of me....and why?? I'm educated in exercise and nutrition, I coach people all the time!!! Is it REALLY the end of the world to put on a few pounds?? Looking back a month and a half now, all I can think is, "seriously, what had happened to me!!!?"

What happened while I was away from the gym is what opened my eyes.

In my normal obsessive way, I had taken measurements and weight before my hiatus. I planned a few changes in my diet to maintain as well as possible, and what happened at the end of my 5 weeks away shocked me!!!!

I had supplemented properly, ate in a healthy but balanced way, when I felt hungry. (Fewer carbs, as, I didn't need them not working out) I allowed myself treats, drank lots of water and spent a TON of quality time with friends and family. I was happy, felt incredible, had SO MUCH more time for extra curriculars, business, clients, etc. Best of all, my mind wasn't CONSUMED with the way I looked.




To my suprise was down over 10 lbs, (while maintaining my muscle mass) looked the best I have in a long time, was full of energy, and most importantly, was HAPPY!! I had eaten when I wanted and hadn't burned ONE calorie thru exercise.

BELOW: I try to take my pics UNFLEXED, so you can see realistic changes. Flexing harder in one pic over another, can give unrealistic results, in the matter of seconds, and I don't feel it's a good/honest representation of changes.


**The Before pics were my compulsive self who tracked and planned everything

**The afters are after 5 weeks off from the gym, Isagenix, Healthy Eating, with an occational treat.

The moral of this post....

If you aren't training for a competition, photoshoot or big event, Give yourself a BREAK!!!

Working out 6 days a week EVERY week can be counterproductive if you aren't giving yourself proper recovery time. It can cause stress hormones to increase, and inflammation, which will prevent fat loss.

Not only that, but it will cause you to be obsessed. In the long run, something you once loved becomes a chore.

Meal prep is GREAT for convenience, and grab and go meals, but do you need to be packing EVERY meal into a tupperware?? NO!!! Follow the 80/20 Rule, (80% healthy, 20% flexible) and you are well on your way to a healthy balance and maintainable lifestyle. Supplement properly and you will quickly feel those energy levels returning to normal.

Being sub 10% bodyfat, looking like a lean machine, and comparing yourself to others WON'T make you happy!

Feeling GREAT, being full of energy, spending time with friends and family, and leading a less stressed life WILL!!!

Like I always say, just take CARE of yourself, and the rest will fall into place. As you can see here...missing a day at the gym (or in my case 5 weeks) isn't the end of the world!!! Small adjustments will keep you on track, and you don't have to obsess!!

I'm going to be taking on more LIFESTYLE clients (wanting help to achieve that healthy balance)

Email: OPERATIONLEAN for inquiries

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About ME!
I have been into health and fitness my entire life, have a personal training background, hold a Precision Nutrition Coaching certificate, and run a successful athlete page where I share tips on a daily basis. Please check it out @ I know the difference between working out to look good, and working out to FEEL good. Am I ever glad I've finally made that realization!

My husband and I run two businesses and are on our way to financial freedom doing what we LOVE!!! We have a young daughter, but I always make time for fitness :) I want to show YOU how to fit it all in too!

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