Are you wanting to take your fitness to that NEXT level??? The difference between an athlete and healthy active person, is that additional 10% of consistency when it comes to their goals.
Are you wanting to be a natural fitness competitor or an incredible athlete?? Hate to say it, but if you aren't currently competing, it's going to take more than what you are currently doing.
The #1 thing that makes a successful athlete is NUTRITION!!! If you aren't fuelling your body properly, how are you supposed to tain with the intensity required to excel above others??
This nutrition has to stay on track EVEN when you are on the road, travelling with family, or when you just have a really busy day!!! Unfortunately, success usually comes with some sacrifice :(
In this video, I show you how I prepare my meals when I'm going to be away. Let me know in the comments:
What do YOU do to stay on track that I haven't mentioned??
About the Author: My name is Stephanie, I'm a fitness competitor, Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach, Mom and Wife. I am LUCKY to stay home with my daughter while running a successful home based business in spare pockets of time.
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