Healthy for the Holidays
With the holiday season coming up, we all look forward to the delicious food and friend/family get togethers, but we ALSO start to get stressed out about fitting it all in without LOSING all the progress we made up till now.

Below are some tips to enjoy, but not lose control of your physique over the holidays. It's a lot easier than you may think!!!
1. BRING A HEALTHY DISH-I always bring an item to parties, that I KNOW I can pig out on. (Healthy Salad, Fresh Cut Vegetables, Fresh Fruit Salad, etc) Not only does this give you something to load up your plate with, but it also curbs the peer pressure to eat. No one really notices WHAT's on your plate, but moreso, that there is something there.

2. EAT BEFORE YOU GO-This doesn't mean that you can't enjoy some treats when you get to your party, but if you have a healthy meal before you arrive, you will be satisfied and this will keep your cravings and tendancy to over eat at bay.
3. DRINK LOTS OF WATER-USUALLY when we are feeling famished, it's just because we are dehydrated!!! Drink UP!!! Add fresh lemon to your water if you want to add some flavor and health benefits. Enjoy some tasty food, with water. This will help you feel satiated faster, BEFORE you overeat and have to loosten the belt! The day after a "cheat" meal or "refeed" it really helps to increase your water intake as well!!! You will have less of the bloated feeling, I promise!!!
4. WATCH PORTION SIZES/EAT OFF A SMALLER PLATE-Grab yourself a salad plate and load up at the buffet table!! Studies show that piling up a small plate will satisfy you JUST as much as piling up a dinner size plate, minus HUNDREDS of calories. Have a little taste of everything and enjoy. Remember you are eating for a human, not a bear that needs to hibernate for the winter!
Induldge on the things you LOVE and leave the things you "aren't feeling." You DON'T have to finish what's on your plate!! **I always load up on salad and lean proteins, then pick and choose the BEST treats. For me, that would be CHOCOLATE, and ICECREAM if its there. Stuffing, pie, cassersoles, etc, just aren't worth it for my taste.

5. EAT MINDFULLY-Do you stand next to the buffet table, and snack while chatting the night away??
Go get your food, then MOVE AWAY FROM THE BUFFET!! Eat slowly, while enjoying conversation with friends and family. Make a point to ENJOY your food, take your time, and don't shovel it in. We tend to eat without thinking about it. Before you know it, we've consumed thousands of calories, and we haven't even tasted anything. Eating slowly, and mindfully, gives your brain the chance to send signals that you are full!!! Eating with chopsticks, or with a knife and fork, even if you're having finger food, is a great way to slow yourself down!!! ;)
6. DON'T SUBMIT TO PEER PRESSURE-If you have specific goals in your forefront, there's no reason so submit to peer pressure!! There's nothing saying that you can't have fun and visit without eating and drinking. Just make an effort to not make anyone feel bad if they are!! It's the holiday, and you can't expect everyone to want to live their life like you are living yours.
7. LIMIT ALCOHOL-Alcohol limits inhibitions. If you KNOW you are an overeater, don't start drinking. Before you know it, you've said to yourself "oh, just one more", over a hundred times. LOL
If you want to save calories, have wine, light beer or hard alcohol with soda or diet pop. Mixes like regular soda, or "chick" drinks have LOTS of empty calories that ADD UP FAST!!
Personally, I know, I LOVE food, so if I have calories to spare, it's going to be on extra food or dessert!!! :)
8. KEEP YOUR GOALS ON THE FOREFRONT OF YOUR MIND- Do you have a super specific goal that you are wanting to meet. Just keep in mind how much a weekly party over the holidays will set you back if you don't practice moderation!! Better yet, choose ONE party that you PLAN to induldge in advance, the rest, practice moderation.
9. DON'T SKIP WORKOUTS-Especially on that day that you plan to induldge....complete a HARD CORE, HIGH INTENSITY workout, timed as close to your party as you can!! That way, your body will be BEGGING for all the protein, and carbs you are about to consume!! After a influx of food like this you'll have ENERGY TO SPARE the following day as well USE IT!!!!
10. PLAN SOME EXTRA CARDIO-If you aren't doing lots of cardio already, add some into your regime for the month of December! Just a few sessions a week, for 20-30 minutes will make a WORLD of difference in maintaining your weight over the holidays!! Keep these 10 tips in mind over your holiday season, and I promise that you will have no problem maintaining your weight!!! Choose what's worth it, leave what's not. Make this the year that you don't have to "GET STARTED" again as a new years resolution!!
Regardless of how great you do over the holidays, you may want a nutrition and fitness coach for accountability in the new year! Check out my SERVICES. It's never too late to invest in yourself, and #detoxifyyourlife
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