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Do you stick to your plan 100%, but still feel like this when you step on the scale at the end of the week?? Despite your best intentions, you COULD be sabataging your efforts without even knowing it!

Here are the top 4 Reasons that you may have hit a plateau that seems IMPOSSIBLE to get past.

1. WATER- Your body is composed 60% of water and it is NEEDED for digestion, absorption, circulation, transportation of nutrients, they help cells balance fluid and electolyte levels NEEDED to avoid muscle fatigue, keeps your skin looking beautiful, cleanses your hard working kidneys, and maintains body temperature. GUESS WHAT?! If these processes aren't functioning properly in your body, you will be INTERNALLY stressed out. The last thing your brain will want to do is release fat (our bodies survival mechanism).

In addition to all the health benefits of WATER, it also helps you feel full. OFTEN when you think you are hungry, you are actually just thirsty. Before you reach for the JUNK you are craving, have a big glass of water...wait 15 minutes. If you are still hungry, you can go ahead and find a healthy snack.


How much water is enough??

Work up to your Bodyweight divided by 2 in Ounces..

Ex. 130Lb Woman should be getting 65 Ounces of water a day minimum...(130/2). You are probably getting NOWHERE NEAR this much right now and it will take your body some time to get used to the additional water intake. Gradually increase your levels over a couple weeks. YES you will find yourself in the bathroom A LOT...but this will level out as your system adjusts.


Are you already drinking enough water?? Try adding the juice of a fresh lemon for even MORE added benefit. The lemon will not only make your water taste better, but it will help naturally cleanse your system.

Do you find it IMPOSSIBLE to get your water intake up where it needs to be!!!?? I found the most amazing tool, and it makes getting your water in more FUN. If it feels like a chore, change it into a game!! :) This cool bottle has the day split up, and gives you goals to achieve right on the side. Fill it up twice, and drink a couple litres before and throughout your workout and you're looking good!! :)

hydr8 bottles.jpg

2. ACIDIC/TOXIC- An acidic/toxic body is NOT primed for fat loss OR muscle gain. Toxicity and Acidity isn't ONLY caused by poor diet. Our world is a TOXIC place. EX. Cleaning Supplies, Pollution, Chemicals, Hormones, Medications, etc. If we don't periodically counteract this with nutritional cleansing and proper diet, it ultimately leads to poor skin and hair conditions, poor digestion/food sensitivities, aches and pains, poor recovery from workouts, slow/non existent weight loss, and ultimately, leads to disease.

Below is an EXCELLENT blog describing what an acidic body looks like, how to test your levels, and tips to become more alkaline. If you complete the test shown in the blog and your results aren't favorable, you will benefit HUGE from a Nutritional Cleanse.


3. YOU'VE BEEN DIETING TOOOOOOO LONG-IF you've been dieting for months and months on end, you could be sabotaging your weight loss. Were you making excellent progress, and then all of a sudden hit a plateau??

Your body will release fat at the beginning of a weight loss program, but EVENTUALLY your fat loss hormone levels will decrease(your bodies survival mechanism). It is a great idea to take short breaks from being in a caloric deficit ( a few weeks at a time ). This will reset your hormones to homeostasis and your body will be more willing to release it's fat stores again the next time you go into a deficit.

This is why OFTEN, when you are told to eat MORE, or to have a CHEAT meal, that your body responds with a weight loss. Don't be scared of treats!!! Just make sure that they are planned and strategic!!

Carb Cycling is an AMAZING method to trick your system into continuously releasing fat!

This will be a future blog post...don't miss out and sign up for our mailing list HERE

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Do you go to the gym/get exercise 4-5 days a week??

When you DO go, do you go with a plan?? Do you plan progressive overload?

Do you plan sufficient recovery time?

Do you combine cardio and resistance training??

If you're making it to the gym everyday, but you just "GO THRU THE MOTIONS", are "CHATTING" longer than you are working out, or are you NOT timing your rest periods or recording your progress you can't expect to see changes. If you do what you've always done, you will look the way you always have. Get yourself out of your comfort zone!!! Get an accountability partner to push you, or hire a coach!!! Sometimes you just need someone to put you on the right path, provide you a plan, push you and hold you accountable!!! Invest in yourself, and #detoxifyyourlife

Steph :) xox


About the Author: My name is Stephanie, I'm a fitness competitor, Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach, Mom and Wife. I am LUCKY to stay home with my daughter while running a successful home based business in spare pockets of time. I'm Dedicated to brining FREE health and fitness knowledge to the masses through Blogging and Weekly Newsletter. Don't miss out on anymore info, Join my Newsletter TODAY!! :)

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About ME!
I have been into health and fitness my entire life, have a personal training background, hold a Precision Nutrition Coaching certificate, and run a successful athlete page where I share tips on a daily basis. Please check it out @ I know the difference between working out to look good, and working out to FEEL good. Am I ever glad I've finally made that realization!

My husband and I run two businesses and are on our way to financial freedom doing what we LOVE!!! We have a young daughter, but I always make time for fitness :) I want to show YOU how to fit it all in too!

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